Hello Sawyer: Virtual Classes We’re Loving
Amidst a sea of SO many virtual classes to choose from for our little ones, I'm so happy our family found Hello Sawyer. Today, I'm sharing more intel about why we're so obsessed and we're letting you in on a special sale the company is offering right now for a limited time before the holidays.
A Letter to My Babies From Quarantine
Our curls (and some of our eye brows) have grown like crazy, Sadie has doubled in size and Naiya has finished her first year of preschool on zoom calls. What a crazy few months it has been! Along with today's photos and outfit details, I'm sharing a letter I've written to my babies to remember this time.
Affordable (Quarantine-Comfy) Cashmere
If you've spent the whole quarantine in sweats or workout wear, I see you and I completely back your vibe. There's something so liberating about not having to put on real clothes each day. That said, I've been challenging myself to get dressed over the past few weeks because it's been making me feel so much more like myself.
4 Tips for Going Back to Work After Baby
Excited to share four ways I'm preparing for the transition back to work with you today as well as some of my favorite newborn photos of Sadie. We shot mostly lifestyle newborn photos with Naiya so this time around, we decided to switch it up with these sweet posed studio shots.
Mom & Baby Update: 17 Months
Naiya is growing like crazy and her little thigh rolls are starting to slim out (cue the ugly tears!) She's a full-out toddler now and I find myself scrolling through her photos from a few months ago wondering where our baby went. Rounding up our outfits of the day today as well as a mom and baby update.