A Look Back: Naiya’s First Year

And just like that, Phil and I are the proud parents of a one-year-old!

The first time I held Naiya exactly one year ago last night (#imnotcryingyourecrying), my nurse handed her over to me and told me to savor the moment because I'd blink and the next year would fly by. 

While I assumed that time would go quickly, in the insanely sleep-deprived, over-the-top stressful first few weeks of Naiya's life, I never could have imagined just how quickly. 

When she was first born, I often wanted to speed up time so that we could find our new normal. Now here we are, exactly one year later (at 11:40pm last night!) and I only wish we could go back to that first moment with Naiya to do it all over again.

Today, I'm sharing some of our favorite photos of Naiya from throughout her first year--from birth through to today--and each month, I'm linking to some advice we learned along the way in hopes that it helps other new mamas out there.

I know that I can still use all of the extra help and advice that I can get!Hands down, this has been the best year of my life and although motherhood is already the craziest ride I've ever been on, I'm head over heels in love with being Naiya's mama! Let's do this, year #2!


Photography: Azusa Takano and Katrina Jayne


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