Our Maternity Shoot

I'm so excited to share my first post since Phil and I have officially become parents! Our daughter, Naiya Lennon Galanty was born August 30th at 11:40pm at Cedars Sinai in Los Angeles.

She was 7 pounds and 21 inches of pure cuteness and she has completely melted our hearts.  We are so in love and so exhausted at the same time and the past couple of weeks have been such a whirlwind. Naiya has already started to grow and change so much and she's not even two weeks old yet. Time is already flying by and we're trying our best to savor every minute.

It's been tough to keep up with posting over the past few weeks because as a first time mom at the end of my pregnancy, I kept thinking I was going into labor. We had our hospital bag packed and ready to go by the door and I was experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions for weeks before our due date.

I wondered what the real thing would feel like and spent my days Web MD-ing away, trying to prepare. Instead, I probably drove myself crazy (especially because nothing can really prepare you for the real thing until you're in it)!

Our OB had let us know a few weeks prior to Naiya's due date that she was in "birth position" and she really thought I would have her early. This kept us on our toes but it ended up not being the case. I eventually went into early labor a few days after Naiya's due date but she had her own plans about when she was ready to come into the world. When my early labor did not progress into active labor, I ended up having to be induced and eventually had an emergency c-section (more on that in upcoming posts).Since I didn't have a chance to share our maternity photos before Naiya's birth, I'm so excited to finally share them today. I was nervous to take these photos at first.

For those of you following along for a while, you may know that throughout my pregnancy, I had 24-hour morning sickness. I was on a couple of different medications that helped me to get through the day as best as possible but for the entire nine months, I never felt like myself. I worried I would feel too sick and that I wouldn't feel comfortable enough in my own skin at the very end of my pregnancy to capture the moment so I kept putting these photos off. 

Looking back, I'm so thankful we were able to nail this shoot and that I made it through after all! These photos will be so special for Phil and I to look back at for years to come and I can't wait to be able to share them with Naiya. I still can't believe we grew a tiny person and that she fit inside my belly in all of these photos. #Mindblown.

THE LOOK: Victoria's Secret Bathing Suit / White Kimono(Similar Here) / Open-Slit White Dress / Floral Dress | PHOTOGRAPHY: Katrina Jayne


Welcoming Naiya Lennon


Bumpdate: 40 Weeks