Bumpdate: 40 Weeks

Hello, August 24, 2017! Phil and I have been dreaming of this day for what seems like forever because it's our daughter's official due date. Even though she's not showing any new signs of coming out just yet, this still feels like such a special day and we're so thankful to have made it here.  

've heard from so many other moms that first time moms usually go into labor late but I honestly can't believe I'm still preggo!  We have our 40 week OB appointment today and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we find out some good news.My family flew in from the east coast earlier this week to be here for our baby's birth yet it still all feels surreal that this is actually happening. My sister and her boyfriend are en route too. It's such a special time for Phil's family and for mine and we can't wait for everyone to meet our daughter (whenever she's finally ready to come out!).

I'm still super nervous as ever for labor but now I'm so uncomfortable, I am feeling so much more ready than I ever could have expected.I've been trying everything I can to try to induce labor naturally and safely. I've eaten tons of pineapple, spicy foods, I've bounced on my birth ball, I've taken super long walks and gone on the elliptical, I've done prenatal yoga and reiki.

Last night, I even ordered a "maternity salad" from Caioti's Pizza Cafe in Studio City and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it gets this baby moving! I heard about this famous salad a while back and ended up reading almost all of the reviews about it on Yelp before officially going ahead and ordering it today. There are 435 reviews--mostly from pregnant moms and/or their partners--and they all pretty amazing.

Most of them include stories about other preggos eating this salad and then going into labor within 24 hours. People swear by it. Apparently, the key labor-inducing ingredient is in the salad's balsamic dressing but Caioti's won't share what it is.

hey're now even bottling the dressing up and they're shipping it around the country for those who don't live in LA. Crossing my fingers that it actually works! I'll continue to keep everyone posted as we await this little one's arrival and until then, you can probably find me scarfing down pineapple.

THE LOOK:  Filly Boo Maternity Dress | Photography: ALN Images


Our Maternity Shoot


Baby Bump Belly Art