Travel, Lifestyle Travel, Lifestyle

Top 5 At-Home Workouts for Free

I was about four months prego with Sadie here and nauseous as could be! My bump popped out for the first time on this particular day and I remember SQUEEZING into these leggings for my workout. Time has truly flown and it's crazy to think that one year later, the world is in such a different, uncertain place. And without further ado, sharing five of my favorite at-home workouts you can do for free.

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Lifestyle Lifestyle

5 Tips for Working From Home With Kids

Sharing some recent Sadie photos with you as well in case her little face and unicorn crown can add some extra zen to what I know is a one of the craziest times of our lives. We're all in this together, everyone. Sending big hugs and wishes of good health to you all.

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