Fashion Fashion

Top 10 Masks That Prevent “Maskne”

2020 brought us many unexpected circumstances--including the unfortunate gift of "maskne." Maskne is skin irritation and breakouts brought on by the friction of your mask rubbing against your skin and trapping moisture. Thankfully, my “maskne” hasn't been TOO bad overall but the more I wear a mask, the more I've noticed small pimples popping up around my chin.

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Motherhood, Fashion Motherhood, Fashion

Tulle Skirt + 3 Months With Sadie

I blinked and Sadie is officially over three months old! Sharing some of my favorite recent shots of her and Naiya with you today as well as where to snag my favorite black tulle skirt. I recently posted this look on instagram and received a bunch of DM's about it. It happens to be on sale so I'm linking to it below.

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