9.5 Months With Sadie

How is quarantine time moving by even quicker than normal time? I keep blinking and Sadie and Naiya keep growing another month older and I can't keep up.  Still working so hard to find the perfect balance between working remotely from home and mom-ing without any breathers and it's definitely not easy! I'm sure all mamas are feeling the grind this year of all years so I know we're all in it together. 

Thankfully, we've found our new normal and sticking to a daily routine has really been getting us all through. With all of that said, sharing some of my favorite recent snapshots of Sadie who is dressed in full-out watermelon madness today. She's officially 9.5 months old and since this was a big month for milestones and firsts, I'm excited to share all the things.

Sadie Updates

This has been such a big month for our little Sadie watermelon. She started waving 'hi' and 'bye'--one of her favorite new party tricks. Over the past few weeks, she also went from crawling to balancing to taking her first few steps. And as of last week, Sadie is officially walking entirely on her own! She loves to mimic my facial expressions and sounds and she started to say 'mama' and 'hi' on demand.One of her favorite things to do is eat.

Thankfully, this girl is the opposite of picky as she loves EVERYTHING--constantly. She's basically a bottomless pit and I'm loving it. She's currently eating her weight in scrambled eggs, fruit, daiya cheese and lentils. She also loves pouches and even my Daily Harvest smoothies. Needless to say, she's catching up in size to her big sister by the minute.Sadie usually wears 12-18 month clothing, That said, since every brand's sizing is different, we're often subbing in size 2T to fit over all the rolls. At her last pediatrician appointment, she was in the 98th percentile for weight and 99th percentile for height.

I'm 110% sure she's still right up there. At this point, I'm pretty sure Sadie will be taller than me in Kindergarten.  Until then, I'll continue to snuggle her 24/7 while she can still fit comfortably in my arms. Wishing daily I could freeze time because 9 months is one of my favorite ages.

Next Up

We're dreaming of the day when we'll be able to take Sadie to all of the fun classes I got to go to with Naiya. I really wish she could safely interact with a big group of other babies during these uncertain times but until then, we're laying low and staying safe.The longer the social distancing period goes on, the more I worry about ALL of the things Sadie, Naiya (and of course everyone else) are missing out on this year.

Developmentally, I hope this will just be a blip on the radar for my girls and kids everywhere but like so many mamas out there, I'm definitely feeling the anxiety. We're really missing our families too and it breaks my heart that they've only been able to meet Sadie 2-3 times if that. What a year it's been! Zoom and FaceTime calls have truly been EVERYTHING!

What's Your Favorite Age?

If you made it all the way down here in this post, you're a rockstar. You just scrolled through a million photos because I had too much time pairing them down.  Every time we take shots of our girls like this, it blows my mind at how quickly they are changing and growing.

What is or was your favorite age with your kids? How about your least favorite?

Tell us all the things and as always, thanks so much for stopping by!

Photography: Azusa Takano


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