Four Months in With Sadie
I can't believe it's already almost March and Sadie is officially four months old. I feel like I've known her for a lifetime and for a minute all at the same time and I'm savoring her ever-growing rolls that are truly expanding by the second. This month, Sadie truly grew exponentially. In fact, she may be one of the biggest four month olds I've ever seen. We learned today that she's in the 97th percentile for height and weight and that she already weighs 18 pounds!
I'm not sure what's in my milk this time around but our pediatrician predicts she'll be at least 5'9. Both of our girls may or may not be able to pick their mama up by kindergarten so I'm squeezing them in my arms while I still can.Sharing some recent family snapshots with you today.
In looking at them, I'm realizing I've officially turned into my mother. I dress Naiya and Sadie in matching outfits every chance I can get just like my mom used to do with my siblings and I. #Guilty. Naturally, today is no exception!
I currently can't get enough of Children's Place for affordable matching outfits for my girls and we're especially loving this cherry sweatsuit and shirt combo right now.
Outfit Of The Day
As for my look today, I've been living in boyfriend blazers like this one (similar here) since I went back to work a few weeks ago from maternity leave. There's something about putting on a crisp blazer after a long night nursing a baby that makes a new mama feel put together and professional. Also, they're comfy and roomy so you can't go wrong.
Today, I paired my blazer with a white turtleneck, white booties (currently 40% off!) and black straight leg jeans from Madewell. I would literally wear this pair of jeans on repeat everyday because they're so cute and comfy. They have just the right amount of slouch, a high waist and I love that they're not too long on me even though I'm only 5"4.
4 Months Of Sadie
This month, Sadie found her voice. She's constantly singing and coo-ing but she rarely ever cries unless she truly needs to eat or have her diaper changed. I didn't know they made babies like her because Naiya was a crying machine constantly.Sadie's also able to hold objects in her hands now so we're breaking out all the toys. She and Naiya have finally formed the sweetest bond and it melts my heart to see it growing stronger by the day.
Sadie laughs and smiles at her big sister and Naiya kisses and hugs Sadie constantly. Sometimes, Naiya still gets jealous of "her baby" but Naiya now knows her sister is here to stay and she's no longer mad about it (usually!).Last week, Sadie officially started to roll on her own so we have to be especially careful with her now.
I'm currently co-sleeping with her but I'm gearing up for sleep training. Since it's possible she will be our last baby, the thought of not being able to cuddle her all night makes me sad but I know sleep training will be amazing for us both eventually.
Terrible Two's: No Rest For The Weary
Sadie continues to be a great sleeper. She only wakes to eat 1-2 times per night. Our bigger issue right now is Naiya who officially flipped over the side of her crib in a front tuck this week. She landed on her feet and eventually broke into our bedroom like a ninja.
This week marks her first week in a big girl bed but she's been up the past two months numerous times a night screaming. The terrible two's are upon us big time and it's been especially challenging at night because we're not sleeping (and it's not because of the baby!).
Do you have any advice for helping your 2.5 year old stay in bed all night asleep?
Please tell us all the things in the comment section below. We're all ears!
Los Angeles mom and style blogger, RELish By Arielle, wears white booties by marc fisher and madewell jeans
Photography: Azusa Takano