15 Months In: Mom and Baby Style

I can't believe how quickly December is flying by and that Naiya is officially 15 months old!  She just made it through her first ear infection this week so we've been laying low.

For the girl who almost always sleeps on schedule, putting her to bed this week was a million times harder! I'd put her in her crib half asleep and she'd wake right up and cry her eyes out while she clinged to me for dear life.  

Now that she's on the mend, I'm excited to finally be able to sleep tonight without staring at the baby monitor every five minutes (new mamas, you know what I mean!).

Sharing our latest outfit post with you today featuring one of my favorite skirts of the moment and the cutest hand-embroidered blue and white dress on Naiya. Scroll down to the bottom of this post for a 15 month baby update too.

Baby Style

How adorable is this blue and white dress? We picked this dress up on a family trip to Old Town in San Diego when Naiya was about five months old. I'm so excited she's finally big enough to wear it! Linking to a few similar versions above.

We're lucky Naiya is able to wear this dress all year long but for those of you living in colder winter temps, you can pair a jean or moto jacket with this dress as well as tights or leggings.

Mom Style

Today, I'm wearing a floral skirt I scooped up recently at Chicwish. I paired it with a simple black mockneck top, moto jacket and nude heels. I've loved wearing this outfit to work recently and the skirt also looks great dressed down with booties.

I'm also have my eye on this dress which comes in the same 3D floral pattern as my skirt. I'm loving the detailing on the top and the a-line cut as well.

Mom and Baby 15 Month Update

In the past month, Naiya has grown and changed so much, it's continuing to blow my mind.  She is taking in the world around her every minute--even when we don't realize she's learning.  We can now point to all different shapes and objects and ask her which one is a butterfly, banana, dog, etc. and she is able to choose the shape we're talking about. It's crazy!

She's also constantly saying a few words on repeat: mama, da-duh (dada), Bee-yah (anything round, unpeeled bananas, balloons), wah-wah (our dog, Winston and all other dogs too), yeth (yes), no and mah (more).This month, it became harder than ever to snap photos of Naiya in her outfits because she is always moving and never stands still.

Instead of holding her like I used to when she was younger, we're now having fun snapping candid shots as she's running around in her natural element or when she's drinking or eating. This girl can LOVES food and she especially loves vegan horchata (which she's gulping down in these photos). She's already an LA girl through and through. Also, she's basically already a teenager.

Naiya's First Ear Infection

As I shared above, Naiya is just getting over her first ear infection. Phil and I are so excited to get her back on her normal sleeping schedule after a few days of extra tears at bedtime.  A few days ago, she woke up with a fever and runny nose and by the end of that particular day, she also stopped applying any pressure to her right leg.

It was the scariest thing! She went from running around perfectly fine to limping, to needing to crawl in a matter of minutes.As a first-time mom, of course my mind went to the worst place even though I tried not to google any correlation between fevers and toddlers suddenly not walking. It was all especially bizarre because she hadn't fallen or bumped her leg in the time she started to show us that it was hurting.

After a few hours in urgent care, we determined Naiya had an ear infection but x-rays of her leg thankfully looked completely fine. After some Motrin, she started ended up walking perfectly again.

We're still not sure what the whole leg situation was all about but we're so grateful she is okay and we're continuing to monitor it!Have any other mamas experienced anything like this? I'd love to hear from you! Feel free to leave a comment below. Happy almost Friday! 

Photography: Azusa Takano


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