10 Months In: Mom and Baby Update

Naiya turned 10-months old on June 30th! I know I must sound like a broken record but we really can't believe how quickly time is flying. Naiya went from a tiny newborn to a 21-pound baby who is walking around, going up stairs on her own, crushing it in swim class and gobbling up solids like a champ.

Excited to share our latest mom and baby update today as well as some of our favorite recent outfit photos.

Mom And Baby Update

This has been our favorite month so far as parents. It's so amazing to see Naiya interacting with Phil and myself so much more every day. She loves to laugh, wrinkle her nose, smile with her two bottom teeth and she really is becoming her own little person with the most confident, happy personality.

Throughout her 9th month, she mastered walking and crawling up the stairs. Everyone was right about our lives being crazier than ever once she started moving. I literally don't remember the last time we just sat down and relaxed.

We're always running around with her to the point where I'm pretty much down for a nap at anytime.Thankfully, Naiya has also continued sleeping really well.

She goes to bed around 8pm and wakes up everyday around 7:30am. Every time I write this, I feel like I'm jinxing myself because it's too good to be true (but we'll take it).

Sleep-training at 6-months really was our biggest turning point and we've never looked back.

Baby Swim Class

Just before Naiya turned 10-months old, we started her in her second round of swim class. We initially started taking her to class at 6-months old so that she could start getting used to the water.

Also, Phil was a really amazing swimmer and I became really into it later in life so we figured it would be a good family activity.It's amazing how much Naiya has progressed since her first round of classes.

She is now able to pull herself out of the pool, she's able to reach for toys in the water and she loves to float. She's still not really able to kick but we're excited to see how much more she grows and improves this time around.

Baby Food We're Loving

Naiya is still loving the Raised Real baby food delivery service. We've been using it for a while now (I recently shared more about it here) and we can't get enough. Frozen packets of fresh fruits, veggies and quinoa are delivered to our home once a month in a subscription box.

Each meal, we use our Beaba, a steam cooker and blender to prep each packet in just a few minutes. It's so easy and Naiya gobbles them up.

We're also still loving a local service called Tummy Thyme (I recently shared more here) whenever we need meals that are fully-prepped.

Naiya has been gravitating towards sweeter foods like sweet potatoes, mangos, peanut butter and bananas but she's only just starting to like veggies that aren't as sweet. The above companies are helping us to get her excited about all different flavors and textures.

Pumping Away...Still

I can't believe I'm still pumping away at work. I've decided that for now, I'm definitely going to go until a year and then I will re-evaluate how Naiya is doing and how I'm feeling about continuing.

I'm thinking the hardest part for me will be weaning eventually because I'm so worried I will have blocked duct issues like I did in the beginning. I'm sure I'll have to take it all very slowly once the time comes.I also can't believe how special nursing has become even though I had such a rough start and didn't think I'd make it 10 weeks, let alone 10 months (more about that here).

I can't believe I'm actually worried about missing it after its over. Our bodies and hormones work in such crazy ways!All of the above said, if you have any advice for weaning, I'm all ears!

Outfits Of The Day

I've been wearing a lot of comfy short sleeved button-downs this summer. They've kind of become my uniform--especially because they're so versatile and perfect for work.

This green and white-striped one is from Madewell. I paired it with white wide-legged cropped pants, white sandals and white sunnies.Naiya is wearing a white eyelet outfit we scooped up from Target. It's super affordable, perfect for summer and wears really well.

It's actually a one-piece romper that looks like a two-piece from the back because it swings open (and is pretty much the cutest thing ever).

We topped off the look with Naiya's first pair of sandals but truth-be-told, they only stayed on for these photos.

Naiya is not loving shoes yet and it's been hard to find them in her size (most stores start at size 4)! We're on a mission to figure out what works and I look forward to sharing our findings soon in case they help anyone else.

Photography: Azusa Takano


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