Bohemian Honeymoon
Phil and I had the most amazing honeymoon on the Big Island of Hawaii and I only wish we could have extended our stay (or better yet, that we could have basked in the post-wedding glow forever without ever having to come back down to earth!).
Four days in total (plus two travel days) was not enough time to soak in the sun, volcanos or turquoise water of Hawaii but we're thankful for the time we did get. We are looking forward to booking a longer trip together in the near future.
Where should we go next? Suggestions are always welcome!Outfit-wise, I wore tons of comfy, beachy attire throughout our honeymoon--and pretty much lived in this beach coverup and my birks (yes--I went full out hippie and I'm totally okay with that).
The only downfall to our trip was that I fell on some lava rocks while running on the beach (on our first morning of course!). I guess you can't take me anywhere--I ended up hurting my knee and hands pretty badly (you may see some "battle wounds" in the above pictures and they aren't pretty!).
Those black rocks I'm walking on above are lava rocks and the whole island is covered with them from when volcanos erupt. Much of the Big Island is full of nothing but these rocks and you feel like you're on Mars.
I was determined not to let my injuries bother me so Phil and I still went zip-lining through a rainforest and over waterfalls. We visited Volcano National Park and also relaxed at beautiful beaches. I probably should have slowed down in retrospect since I'm now hobbling around like crazy but I'm also 110% sure it was all worth it.
THE LOOK: Birkenstocks / Celine Sunnies / Vintage Headpiece (Similar Here) / Boho Coverup - Vintage (Similar Here)